How To Protect Our Body From Endocrine Or Hormonal Disorders
Most of us ignore news stories about how chemicals, pesticides, electromagnetic fields, and radiation can contaminate our systems. Many of these have become part of our lives - the morning-after pill, birth control pills in general, household dust that can cause it, non-organic vegetables and fruits, and worse - lack of exposure to sunlight.
It takes forever to list or even link how endocrine disruptors can cause everything from cancer to infertility to mental illness, and the list is enough to make anyone sad. So I will not go there.
Why I am writing this article to believe that we do not have to give up on everything and that we have no choice but to allow ourselves to become victims of this endocrine disruption. Life on Earth is always dangerous in many ways, and because of this, if we follow our natural instincts, we can always learn to survive and thrive.
How to Protect Our Body from Endocrine or Hormonal Disruption:
1) Sleep at night. Day job.
When we do this, we allow the balance of our endocrine system to enter the source of sunlight. If we sleep during the day or do not get enough exposure to sunlight (sunlight should not be harsh) our cells will not be able to absorb vitamin D in the pineal gland, the most important endocrine gland in our brain. have to do their job. If the pineal is not healthy, the nervous system is disrupted, causing mental and psychological problems, sleep disorders, and serious hormonal imbalances that lead to accelerated aging, skin and bone problems, and imbalances in the reproductive system.
2) Watch where you get your food.
Unfortunately, we can't just rely on supermarkets. Local vegetables, fruits, fish, and more. do your best to get it. If it's grown locally, it's not part of the big industry players - and the big industry suppliers use pesticides and the like, especially if they're processing raw materials or from countries with anti-pollution laws. still weak.
3) Buy in small quantities.
Because if it's a mess and you don't lose too much money, you can throw everything away. This is because the bigger your fruit or vegetable, the more pesticides or chemicals can affect the body. If you buy a small amount and eat it in the next few hours, the effect on your body is less.
4) If it doesn't taste good, throw it away.
Trust your instincts and feelings. If your apple doesn't taste like an apple, tell yourself something is wrong, then something is wrong with the apple. According to contaminated fish, if the fish tastes like something else or is slightly fermented. If you get a headache or are physically turned off by the sight, touch, or taste of something, don't eat it.
5) Keep your digestive system healthy.
If you digest food quickly, this means that the endocrine-disrupting effects on your body will be reduced. Restoring and keeping your digestive system healthy means you stop eating refined white flour and other things that you may not easily digest.
6) Keep your blood clean.
Blood surrounded our bodies, and we both breathed and ate. If we have a blood purification mechanism, we can easily protect our bodies from things that are not conducive to our health and well-being. We can keep our blood clean by eating easily digestible food and drinks, taking deep and long breaths of fresh air, and drinking plenty of clean water (which is not there). Avoid excess sugar and salt.
7) Be emotional.
I mention this point here because, in my experience, many of us tend to eat and drink whatever is available to us at the moment and feel too normal.
Our inability to manage or face our emotions is the most endocrine-disrupting factor in our lives because we can't sleep on time for those of us who stick to endocrine-disrupting diet plans or refuse food, drugs, and energy drinks. to the rush of adrenaline it creates, etc. We also have an extraordinary physiological response to stress that causes serious hormonal imbalances.
When we are emotionally aware—that is, we know what we are feeling right now—we can resist the actions that hurt us the most. If we are ignorant enough but think we are having another normal day, our body will try to remind us by lowering one or another body chemistry, and we will respond by ingesting some physical substance we think we have. Physical needs are emotional needs that we don't really acknowledge. Don't be afraid of your emotions - in the car or on the train or at work. This is your human right.
8) Drink a lot of water.
The more water you drink, the faster all the toxins can be removed from your body. So do it. Don't wait to die of dehydration. As an aquatic creature, don't reach for sugar, a computer, or a phone when you feel overwhelmed. Reach for water. When you realize that all your body needs most of the time is pure water, you will find your stress dramatically reduced.
9) Keep your home simple and organic.
This means reducing or not using chemical pesticides in your garden and not storing chemicals in your garage or closet. That means only cleaning your home with as few chemical cleaners as possible. Just when dust and dirt accumulate, you always find yourself in need of chemicals. Our ancestors even kept their grand palaces clean without the use of harsh chemicals, with their thick carpets and endless windows and pillars. We can do it if we try.
10) Feed your pet natural food.
If you keep your pet on processed food, chances are they are ingesting some type of chemical or other additives. There are ranchers who have documented the effects of processed food on animals-effects ranging from reduced lifespan to serious cancers, tumors, and infertility. When our pets are exposed to these substances, their skin pores, body fluids, etc. This can then move very quickly into our sensitivity range. So stick with traditional animal food - bones and meat.
11) Wash your hands when you get home.
Every time we go outside, we are exposed to various pollutants. By keeping our hands clean, we can reduce our exposure to endocrine disruptors.
and last but not least
12) Keep away from strong electromagnetic fields
This means staying away from cell signal towers, high-voltage power lines and stations, train stations in general (you shouldn't hang around there after getting off the train), and man-made sources of radiation. Minimize conversations on your cell phone - if you must have a long conversation, use your hands. Keep your mobile phone as distant from your body as could really be expected.
In closing, I want to remind you that our body is made perfect, even if we follow the basic natural way to live healthily, we will be able to resist anything and be strong in business. It lives in unnatural conditions. If we sleep well, breathe deeply, drink enough water, and eat fresh and tasty food, we will be healthy. It's all about getting back to the basics of healthy living.
If you have any doubts,Please let me know