Top Tips For Endurance/Self-reliance
I have been asked to contribute to a discussion about mental health in the workplace starting in 2021. "What are your top tips for mental health in 2021?"
Are you looking forward to the end of 2020, thinking that if you somehow make it to the end, the new year will magically change things? The stressors work in constant shifts - away, office, away, school open, the school closed, visiting family, bubble, not visiting family, travel, travel, etc. - all of which will be miraculously stopped in turn. calendar.
We should not be surprised to wake up on January 1 to find that there are restrictions on movement and that the virus is still there, and we are as worried as ever. New Year's resolutions seemed more ineffective than usual unless they tried to lose "locker weight".
Research from the World Health Organization (WHO), Deloitte, PWC, and others up to 2020 has highlighted the importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace. It has become a topic in the media, and the Virgin Media Mental Health Marathon in London 2017 promotes mental health charities such as MIND, Samaritans, CALM, and others, supported by the royal family charity. More. The topic of mental health has been promoted and championed by charities, celebrities, and social media for years now. Then came an unexpected global pandemic that changed everything, and even those lucky enough not to have had mental health problems in the past were exposed to tremendous stress.
Speaking from my experience as an IT professional, many other professions are affected, but I will stick with what I know. For most of our working lives, in 'good IT jobs, in the UK, this was first-hand experience of global crises - we've had outbreaks in the past, AIDS, SARS, Foot, and Mouth, but nothing like this. global impact and universal upheaval eg. In England, we are not affected by conflict and war (although there are many on earth); We have experienced several economic crises, but nothing so big that it affects us in all aspects of our lives. We are safe, socially protected, and in a prosperous "first world" economy. I don't feel like saying there are no struggles, but with 20/20 hindsight, we should know that we are generally lucky, even privileged. People with good jobs, good education, and generally comfortable lifestyles (by that I mean clean fresh water, shelter, and food) have been protected from some of the world's horrors.
Then came 2020 and the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
We have to face the changes and pressures of the changing situation, affecting everything in terms of work, social relations, and grief. Losing contact with loved ones, being physically distant from family and friends, and having different relationships with co-workers. Some people long for solitude (I talked about introverts earlier), and others are frustrated by the lack of communication and motivation (outsiders), but we all have one thing in common - it's impactful. This gets even more attention, and IT supplies suddenly become the glue that holds the community together. We have become employees who work in a quiet background, managing business, education, family life, and global communication, not in the elegant way of health workers. The pressure to succeed, maintain the status quo, and increase supply to meet the new demands of our organization has been intense. On top of that work pressure, for some, the new experience of working remotely or having to continue mingling with others at the workplace has created a challenge for safety and well-being. It is consistent.
No matter what industry you enter, you will face the same challenges. Maybe you feel that your role in life is shallow and meaningless if you don't have a job or a goal. Perhaps you are disappointed, mistaking your role and your valuable contribution to society may be overlooked. Perhaps it is more serious, an extreme economic crisis that does not pay for your work, money, or excessive salary demands. Leaving your family, feeling out of control, and fearing money, family, and work worries. You may be happy, able to continue working, secure, and financially unaffected, but changes in society will still affect the safety and health of you and your loved ones.
What it all boils down to is that we all need to be aware of our mental and physical health. What can we do? Do we just hope that "they" (those who know, who are in charge) will do something for us? Organizations that offer "point solutions" for Mindfulness Mondays, Wednesday Nights, and some funny programs may make you unable to manage your mental health because these things are not working for you. These are tools we can use, but we need to take a holistic and comprehensive approach as part of our organizational culture. That's a topic for another day. What can we do for ourselves as individuals to help this happen?
We can develop resilience; we can work on our mental health. It's like the instruction we've all heard when getting on a plane (remember those days?) - put on your oxygen mask before helping others.
The oxygen mask of your mental health is resilience. Learn techniques that allow you to have a stress-free experience; respond by choice rather than reflex and behavior; accept what you can and cannot control; adapt and change with confidence. Try not to be apprehensive or embarrassed to request help and converse with individuals about your sentiments. Tell your boss to share your experience with your colleagues, and if they can't help, they'll support you because they know you need space. Seek help from specialists, counselors, and GP if needed.
To get you started, here are the best tips to help you - in no time - R.E.S.I.L.i.e.N.C.E. #Tips for dating in 2021 - love yourself
Rest is important
Engage with your emotions
You need time for self-care
Your unique response to stress, no comparison to others, your journey is yours
Listen to your inner voice (don't run crazy with an ax)
Improve understanding of your needs
Experience your emotions fully, even acknowledge them
Of course, you cannot do these things, regardless of your mental health
Change your behavior and responses and make sure you can choose your behavior
Practice until the habit becomes a habit (yeah! You thought you were going to run, didn't you?), build on it, that's endurance!
Join Aware Mind for mindfulness practices and techniques
Every time we think of negative thoughts and feelings, we strengthen their influence on us. However, every time we engage in positive thoughts and behaviors, we retrain our brains to think a little differently, letting go of negative thoughts.
Through mindfulness and meditation, we can become more aware of how our emotions, thoughts, and feelings affect our lives. Taking one small step to support a happy, healthy, and peaceful lifestyle, mindfulness and meditation are great places to build resilience.
If you have any doubts,Please let me know